Brekkie snack wrap contains bacon, egg and BBQ sauce in a tortilla.

The CBO is chicken, bacon and onions. Oh, and cheese! Add another C.

McLobster was also available at select locations in the U.S., but only in New England.

Mmmm. Donuts.

Yes, that's a Kit-Kat McFlurry. Almost as good as the shamrock shake, I'm sure.

The Chicken Shake. I thought it was ice cream, too, but it's not. Oooh-la-la.

Doesn't sound traditional to the area, but the formaggi misti sandwich is pretty popular, I hear.

Omelet sandwich.

McItaly has caused all kinds of controversy lately, with Italians saying the sandwich doesn't represent their country's culture. I counter with it has asiago cheese. McItaly wins.

Big Hawaiian has bacon, egg, cheese and more. Domo arrigato, Ronald McDonald.

That's the McArabia chicken, my friends. It's wrapped in a pita. I want to go to there.

I wouldn't have connected strawberry pie to Lebanon, but you can.

Just in time for Chinese New Year comes the Double Prosperity - beef or chicken with onions and black pepper sauce.

Took me a long time to figure out what a groenteburger was, but it's a veggie burger!

That's the chicken gourmet happy meal.

They call this the chickenburger.

Pancakes. No, actually blini.

TurkeyI'm not sure what exactly is in the Kofteburger, but I'd try it.

UruguayYes, my friends, those are chocolate fudge covered pancakes. That should be available everywhere!

VenezuelaMcQueso is all about the cheese. I love cheese.
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